

Lidieth Macicek - 2015年5月12日星期二

Property management is an area of real estate that most agents shy away from. It lacks the thrill of working a sale contract to closing and requires a more consistent task oriented approach.  A 物业经理 usually handles a portfolio of properties and many have unique circumstances that must be considered.  A 物业经理 will be truly successful if they can excel in these areas.


了解你的赌lol比赛app  Take the time to get to know your clients and their property. Each circumstance is different and each property is unique. Some owners may be skilled investors and others may be first time landlords with an emotional attachment to their property. A 物业经理 must be good with people and understand who and what he/ she is dealing with. Some of this takes time, and experience makes a big difference.

沟通 Communication is important in most careers but in property management it is crucial. 主人, tenants, employees and vendors need to have direction and understanding of the process. Property management has many moving parts. 一个伟大的 物业经理 knows how to communicate effectively to each person in the process to get the correct result. 清晰和简洁是关键. In addition different people may require different forms of communication whether it is email, phone, text or carrier pigeon ( kidding ) the professional 物业经理 recognizes this and makes sure he’s effective at getting his message out. Also, it is important to set a reasonable level of expectation at the beginning. 随着科技的发展, some may expect an immediate response but a 物业经理 with good communication skills can set the tone early on. The bottom line is that good communication is woven through the success of everything a 物业经理 does. 

组织技能  移动部件, 移动出局, 让决心, 维修, lease renewals and property emergencies can test the organizational skills of even the best 物业经理s. A successful and effective manager has systems in place to help him deal with the sometimes daunting task. Planning ahead can take off a lot of the pressure and will ensure that things get taken care of as needed. Relying on an established system created over many years is the key to having organizational success. Flying by the seat of your pants and handling issues as they arise may work in some fields of Real Estate but not Property 管理. At 德州地产 & 管理 we have spent many years honing our management system to make sure we offer our clients and tenants the best experience possible.

多任务 & 灵活性  The ability to quickly switch from one task to another is a pre-requisite. Scheduling is helpful but it is extremely common to be interrupted by emergencies and urgent client requests. As much as a good schedule can be used as a starting point, 紧急情况出现, circumstances change and tasks must be re-prioritized constantly. Property Managers wear many hats – their business cards could be full of various titles including Site Inspector, 服务协调员, 合同谈判, 收集机构, 规章制度执行者, 专业顾问, 中介, 社区联络, 团队领导, Publisher and most important of all – good neighbor! 他们是, 毕竟, in charge of making people’s homes and properties a better place to live and work.

时间管理 一天24小时永远不够.  维修 必须及时完成吗, proceeds must go out tow owners by the date agreed and contractual terms and timeframes must be followed.  Prioritizing is an essential tool the 物业经理 must use.  Spending too much time in a certain area and neglecting others may prove costly.

教育 & 培训  It is always best to have an expert on your side. 主人 and Investors place a great amount of trust in the assistance provided by Property Managers when making decisions with respect to their properties. Ensuring those who are providing property management services are well trained, 消息灵通的, and up to date with current industry trends is recommended, 如果不需要.

客人的选择 德州地产 & 管理BBB业务审查 德州房地产经纪人协会 住房机会平等 IREM National Association of Property Managers 房地产经纪人联盟 房地产经纪人联盟 赌lol比赛app的顶级物业经理
德州地产 & 管理 is committed to ensuring that its website is accessible to people 有残疾的. All the pages on our website will meet W3C WAI's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, A级一致性. 任何问题都应该报告给 . 无障碍网页政策
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